Thursday, January 18, 2007

Graf #2

As I sit here reminiscing about the teachers I had through elementary, junior high, and high school, I can't honestly think of one that was bad. Yes, I had the teachers who would give the occasional pop quiz, but looking back on that now, I realize they were teaching their students to be prepared for anything life may throw their way.

I remember my third grade teacher, Mrs. Ford, would always dump out her students desk if they couldn't find their homework assignment or a particular book. But looking back on that now makes me realize that she was teaching her students how to be organized with any situation in life.

What I have found while I've been sitting here reminiscing is that there may have been some teachers that had an aggressive style of teaching opposed to others that were more passive, but in the end they were all trying to teaching the same thing. They were all trying to prepare us for life.

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

Well, there--you do have that mini-story in there. Was your desk ever dumped? What was it like when she did that? Did people laugh? Did the victim cry?