Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Meta Graf #11

I feel like I have been sitting in this chair for days. My butt is so numb that the feeling has trickled into my legs. I haven’t moved for hours. I can’t even begin to tell you the thoughts that have been running through my mind because my mind feels blank. Quite frankly I don’t think I have thought of one thing I could write about. My mind feels empty. No thoughts. No mojo. No nothing. What the heck am I going to do? I’m frazzled. I can’t believe I can’t think of one thing to write about. His lecture says, “just start writing”. Write about WHAT?? What happens when you have fried your brain from thinking to hard? He says “just starting jotting down ideas, no matter what they are”. Yeah, ok, easy for him to say. He isn’t the one sitting here for hours on end contemplating on what to write about or what not to write about. And then finally, what has seemed to be eternity, I have thought of a topic. Thank goodness! Hooray for me! Life is good….One paper down, three more to go!

Essay #1

Oh it can’t be…it is. My alarm is buzzing. That means its 5 o’clock in the morning. As I lay in bed, the thought of my feet hitting the floor and getting on to that treadmill for a twenty minute high-paced, get my blood pumping, heart racing, walk/jog makes me want to roll over, pull the covers over my head and stay where its nice, comfy, warm and relaxing. But, I know that exercising is essential to my body in order for me to stay in shape and to avoid any of the heart conditions heredity in my family. Exercising is also a part of my daily routine, a routine that if out of cycle could ruin any chance of me having a “normal” day.

After exercising its time for me to pick out an outfit. Now depending on the day, the weather, and how I feel all play a factor on what I chose. The positive is that where I work they have a casual dress code so as long as it is appropriate attire it will be okay and the only rule is no jeans unless it is Friday. So the decision is pretty much wide open, which for me, who is the obsessive-compulsive type can be almost depressing. What color pants, what type of shirt, long sleeve, short sleeve, turtleneck….oh the agonizing pain of it all. Sometimes I wish that I worked where we had to wear a uniform so the decision would all ready be made for me. My thought process of what I want to wear usually starts the night before and by the time I have finished exercising in the morning, I know what I want to wear and it is time to iron before jumping into the shower.

Like the majority of women, after showering I have the make-up and hair to complete before heading out the door to begin my day. But for me, the process is so much more. The make-up is always first to be applied, and when applied, there is a method to my madness. Foundation is applied first, a light bronzer second with a soft glowing blush to try and hide how pale I really am. Then the eye shadow; I try to stick with natural colors so I don’t look like bozo the clown. After the eye shadow I apply my black-brown mascara. I have been told that black-brown mascara brings out the brightness of blue eyes. Anything is worth a shot to avoid people looking at my nose that is outsized for my round face. Then the final touch of a light colored lip-gloss. As I stare at myself in the mirror my main objection was too hide my freckles for another day – mission accomplished. Moving right along…time is ticking away…

Hair. What is the purpose? I have worn my hair long, short, medium and nothing seems to make me happy. I always thought shaving it would be a fantastic idea, until I saw what Britney looked liked. I guess hair isn’t so bad after all. So with my new attitude towards hair, I reach into the cupboard under the sink and get out the good ol’ faithful hairdryer. Last week I certainly learned my lesson about putting the hairdryer away; I had left it on the corner of the sink and my roommate came into the bathroom and knocked it into the toilet with her elbow by accident. It certainly gave us a good morning laugh; thank goodness we had a spare. Since my hair is short, blow-drying takes but only a minute just enough to get the dampness out of it and then I reach for the styling wax. It’s an invention that has been out for a few years now and my personal opinion is that this wax is the greatest thing since sliced bread. You can spike your hair, you can have it slicked right to the side of your head, or if you have a hairstyle similar to mine you put the wax in your hair and fluff with your fingers just enough to give it a little body so it doesn’t look completely lifeless. Once I have messed around putting the strands that wanted to be out of place in place and I feel somewhat satisfied that it’s a good as it is going to get since my hair is naturally curly and does whatever it darn well pleases its time for the finisher – the maximum hold hairspray. I think if we had 50 mph wind gusts hair wouldn’t budge with this stuff. In my book its definitely high on the list for the best things ever created!

By the time I have finished my routine in the morning, I have spent an hour and a half of my day. Which makes me wonder. If you times that by five days a week, times that by 52 weeks a year, times the last four years I have been employed with this company, divided by 24 hours in a day, leaves me with the number of 65. 65 days out of the last four years has been dedicated to exercise and fixing my hair and makeup. That makes me believe that society today is so dependent on how people look physically that they miss what is really important; the personality, the brain, the uniqueness of the individual. Maybe tomorrow when I get ready for the day I’ll skip applying make-up, but don’t hold your breath, I don’t deal with change very well.

Outro - Cause Essay

By the time I have finished my routine in the morning, I have spent an hour and a half of my day. Which makes me wonder. If you times that by five days a week, times that by 52 weeks a year, times the last four years I have been employed with this company, divided by 24 hours in a day, leaves me with the number of 65. 65 days out of the last four years has been dedicated to exercise and fixing my hair and makeup. That makes me believe that society today is so dependent on how people look physically that they miss what is really important; the personality, the brain, the uniqueness of the individual. Maybe tomorrow when I get ready for the day I’ll skip applying make-up, but don’t hold your breath, I don’t deal with change very well.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Freestyle Week #6

I knew this day was coming. I had tried my best to prepare myself, but how do you prepare yourself for your mom moving two thousand miles away? I admit my mother and I aren’t the “picture perfect” mother/daughter relationship, we have certainly had our tribulations, but I still hated to see her go. I know that she is doing this for herself and for her soon to be husband, they are trying to better their life. He accepted a dean position at a college in Texas and she was offered a position as a case manager at a hospital in the same area. After we said goodbye, I got in my car and cried. I cried like a baby. I couldn’t even see the road, I was crying so hard. I had to pull over. It has been five days since she left and as I sit here typing this, I could cry. I feel like I’ve lost her. I can’t stop wondering when I will see her again, hug her again, and spend time with her again. I’m not sure how long I will feel like this, quite honestly, I don’t think I will ever accept her being gone. I know that there is email, the telephone, and I could even write a letter, but it just isn’t the same. I used to be able to get in my car and be at her house in five minutes. Now, the quickest way to see her is in an airplane – nine hours away. And don’t even get me started on my fear of airplanes.

Intro #2 Cause Essay

Oh it can’t be…it is. My alarm is buzzing. That means its 5 o’clock in the morning. As I lay in bed, the thought of my feet hitting the floor and getting on to that treadmill for a twenty minute high-paced, get my blood pumping, heart racing, walk/jog makes me want to roll over, pull the covers over my head and stay where its nice, comfy, warm and relaxing. But, I know that exercising is essential to my body in order for me to stay in shape and to avoid any of the heart conditions heredity in my family. Exercising is also a part of my daily routine, a routine that if out of cycle could ruin any chance of me having a “normal” day.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Intro 1 - Cause Essay

Beep….Beep….Beep….BeepBeepBeep….Beep. Bang! Stupid alarm…I was just getting to the good part of my dream. Why must it remind me every morning at 5am that its time to get up and get ready for work? I wish I could win the lottery but it won’t be today so with that my feet hit the floor and I’m on autopilot until I find that first cup of coffee. Every morning is such a process for a woman to get ready in order for her to feel good about herself. Well, at least that is how it works for me. The hair, the makeup, the perfect outfit. If all goes well, than it will be a good day, if one thing is in disarray – watch out. It is going be a bad, bad day.

Freestyle Week #5

A lesson I learned this weekend. Don’t go to Grammie’s house while trying to diet. Between the pretzels, popcorn, soda, homemade pumpkin bread, and chicken casserole, I think I packed on any weight I might have lost within the last few weeks. I know what you are thinking, just say no. What you don’t know is that my Grammie is all by herself, my Grampie past away four months ago and everyday is a struggle for her, no one to get up with in the morning and have a cup of coffee, no one to go for walks with, no one to talk to, no one to watch tv with and no one to cook for. So for me, knowing that it is giving her joy to have someone to talk to, to cook for, to spend time with, means more to me than a few extra calories that I can worry about on the treadmill next week when I return to reality.

Graf #10 - Reaction cause essays

I have to be honest. I didn’t like any of the essays, other than the chicken story. Maybe because I once was a dancer, no ballerina by any means, but at least I wasn’t a couch potato eating bon-bons, watching soap operas all afternoon. As far as the other stories are concerned, the world is already gloomy so its unfortunate people fall out of love, I thought her story was good, just depressing. Baseball, I can take it or leave it so there was no interest sparked within me when reading his story. Molly, on the other hand, I think he should have asked her on a date if he was that infatuated with her. He should have done something about his feelings; life is too short to hold back. So all in all, I understand they were all writing about something that had occurred in their life so I commend them for that, they just weren’t stories that peaked my curiosity, but I thought they were grafted well.

Monday, February 12, 2007


What I would like to know about CPA’s
What kind of services do they provide? For example I know they service the public by doing personal and business taxes and they do audits. But what do they look for when they audit. Do they do any other services for other than taxes? I know sometimes a CPA can be a CFO….What do they do for a business and are there different steps as far as schooling is concerned if you wanted to be a CFO rather than a CPA? When becoming a CPA – I know you need to pass a board test in order to get your license – once you are finished school of course – but are there any other steps? When you are a CPA and you are helping other people do you have to report anything to the federal or state governments on each person? Does the federal or state government audit you yourself? What if you go through school enjoy all the accounting side of life but don’t want to become a CPA…what are the options? What avenues could I take? Is there a high demand for CPAs? Since so much is dependent on the computer and the Internet these days are CPAs days numbered? What is the future in this field? What kind of an effect does this have on my life? What are my thoughts on all of this that I have researched?

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

People Graf #9

When people meet him for the first time, they either like him or he drives them nuts. He could careless what anyone thinks of him, anyone that is except for his family. For my dad, family means everything to him.

My dad has taught me about the value of life, love and happiness. He is strong man, hard-worker, do anything for anyone kind of a guy, but don’t ever lie to him. He hates a liar. He told me when I was young, “Punk, (short for punkin, one of his many nicknames for me), I don’t mind you going to friend’s house, going to parties, going out on a date, but don’t you ever let me catch somewhere you didn’t tell me you were going to be. Once you cross me, I’ll never let you go anywhere again unless it is to work or school while you live under this roof…understood?” I can sit here and honestly tell you, I never crossed that man. Not because I was scared of testing the waters or to see how far I could test his patience, but because I never wanted him to be disappointed in me.

When people meet him, they don’t know that he was a single dad raising me during those “hard” teenage years and that him and I are and always will be the best of friends. They don’t realize that his rough around the edges attitude and looks comes from years of hard work to support him and I. But once they give him a chance they realize he is just a great, hard-working, dedicated, loving man.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Freestyle Week #4

Update on Freestyle week #2
102 wins! Eastern Maine State Champion for weight class 171! What an accomplishment for such a dedicated kid. It couldn’t have been a more perfect day; we were all in the stands on Saturday watching Eric, my friend’s nephew, while he won all three of his matches and made his dreams come true.

We left the house on Saturday morning around 6:30 am to head towards Medomak Valley High. The meet didn’t start until 9:00 am, but the roads were a little slick and we didn’t want to take the chance on missing a thing; since his first match was going to be his 100th win. The day was full of events. Eric’s first match he pinned his opponent in 11 seconds and in his second match he pinned his opponent in under a minute. When it came to the third and final match we all had anxiety. His opponent had been running his mouth all day about how he was going to whoop him and all the stuff that young punk kids have to say in order to make themselves feel better. Since they had never wrestled we were all a little anxious and nervous; we were unsure of this kid’s ability against Eric since he had one all his matches as well.

They went through the first and second periods battling it out but Eric had the obvious advantage, but still you never count your chickens before they hatch. In the third and final period with a minute remaining Eric pinned him!!!! We all jumped up screaming and yelling….it was absolutely awesome! We were and still are so happy for him. All of his hard work finally paid off!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Sample Isearches Graf #8

When I first scrolled through the course assignments and saw “I search paper”, I thought it would be about the teacher having us pick from a list of topics and researching on the Internet. But when I read it was about what “I” was interested in and what I wanted to know more about, I thought “what a great idea”. Until I sat one afternoon thinking about what I wanted to write about; I wouldn’t be surprised if people could see the steam coming out of the house from me thinking so hard. I kept jotting down ideas until something inside of me said “Duh, how about your career path, since you know a little but there is so much more to learn”. When the week came for our assignment to read other isearches, I realized that everyone wrote something about their life at that particular time they needed to know more about. As I read through the wedding cake, choosing the right dog, genealogy, biliary atresia, and ortohotics and prosthetics, I couldn’t help but wonder once mine is completed will others find mine interesting or will it benefit others that might have the same questions, thoughts and feelings. I am excited and nervous at the same time about writing this I search paper. It has certainly sparked an interest in me and I think it’s a wonderful idea instead of the old, boring research paper about a topic I could careless about.