Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Graf #10 - Reaction cause essays

I have to be honest. I didn’t like any of the essays, other than the chicken story. Maybe because I once was a dancer, no ballerina by any means, but at least I wasn’t a couch potato eating bon-bons, watching soap operas all afternoon. As far as the other stories are concerned, the world is already gloomy so its unfortunate people fall out of love, I thought her story was good, just depressing. Baseball, I can take it or leave it so there was no interest sparked within me when reading his story. Molly, on the other hand, I think he should have asked her on a date if he was that infatuated with her. He should have done something about his feelings; life is too short to hold back. So all in all, I understand they were all writing about something that had occurred in their life so I commend them for that, they just weren’t stories that peaked my curiosity, but I thought they were grafted well.

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

Honest is fine. Glad you liked them enough to dislike them, if you see what I mean.