Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Outro - Classification Essay

I wish that my obsessive-compulsive behavior would allow me not to be concerned with every dust particle that may be lying under every piece of furniture I own but I also don’t want to be classified as living in a pig sty. I realize that this is going to take years to overcome, but now that I have distinguished what I might be able to put off for a week, a month, or forever. I realize that my friends and family aren’t going to judge me for the way the house is or isn’t in order. I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. So for all the women and men out there who feel like me with the household chores looming over their heads; put away those mops, dust rags, and brooms and get out there and enjoy life. Life is so short you have to take it all in while you still can otherwise before you know it; it will be over.

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

Works for me. It's got a lot of zip--more than the intro. Why is that?