Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Contrast Essay Reaction Graf #14

After reading the essays that have been submitted by other students it makes me wonder who I will write about. I liked that one wrote about the differences between her dad and brother and another wrote about the differences between the two mothers that have impacted his life in some capacity. Although I can not relate to the father and brother story, I have only a sister, I can however relate to the story with having two mothers. I enjoyed reading all of them. I think to some degree I have this inner desire to be a psychologist or sociologist maybe that’s why I enjoy reading about people and their life. Then I get to thinking about all the crazy people out there and decide an accounting degree is the way to go!

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

Trust me, especially around tax time, accountants get to see just as much bizarro behavior and psycho quirks as any shrink--so you're doomed no matter which way you jump.